Thursday, May 9, 2019

You can make a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

You can make a topic - Essay ExampleThe need to maximize profit through specialization thus boosting soils economy is the main ca lend oneself of monoculture in many countries. It is evident that modernized agriculture has brought coarse negative contributions in the ecological system and further extended the influence on peoples lives, culture, political and well-disposed status. Use of fertilizers and pesticides which is contributed by monoculture has greatly depleted and polluted soil, water and every other useful pick used in farming thus causing serious consequences on the environment.Modification of herbicides and crop applied science has not however brought the expected change it was intended to in some herbicides and even in increase the yield of some crops but instead brought serious harm to the environment. It is obvious that mechanized farming is not beneficial since it does more harm than good but efforts to indulge in agro ecology are too greatly suppressed in many ways including the government. The need to make money and the intensive advertisements by huge agrochemical corporations is really hindering farmers from adopting the best style of farming that is environmental friendly. Farming can be done in a way that animals and crops grown mutually benefit each other without inclusion of chemicals and fertilizers which are harmful to the environment such as planting cover crops, crop rotation and use of farm yard manure. The size of land does also not support crop rotation and by and large the whole issue of agro ecology.I strongly concur with the author of this article that capital-technology intensive agricultural practices such as use of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides which has contributed to monoculture has posed danger in our ecosystem. I strongly support agro ecology since it is the completely way environmental degradation can be minimized and our

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