Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analysis of Albert Ellis’s Life Experiences and Psychological Philosophies Essay

At the age of 12 his parents divorced (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). These two life-altering events were, in part, what led him to begin focusing his mind on understanding people (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). In junior high Albert Ellis dreamed of becoming a great novelist (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997) but by the time he reached college age, he decided it might be more practical to become an accountant instead. However, he planned to retire by the age of 30 so that he could then take up writing at his own leisure (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). Due in part to the Great Depression, his goals changed but he did go on to graduate college in 1934 with a degree in business (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). After graduation he and his brother became entrepreneurs and started their own business. They sold pants purchased from the garment district (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Sheehy 1997). In 1938 a gift and novelty firm employed him as their personal manager. Some of his controversial articles included The Influence of Heterosexual Cultures on the Attitudes of Homosexuals (1951) and Prostitution Re-assessed (1951) both of these articles were written for the International Journal of Sexology (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis’ writings were groundbreaking material that opened the door to the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the gay and lesbian rights movement in the 1970’s (Ellis 1992). These writings were controversial at that time and may have stigmatized or put a negative label on Albert Ellis. However, these writings as well as references from his friends was how he formed his client base (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Ellis 2004). Most of Albert Ellis’ early clients were individuals and couples suffering from sex, love and marital problems (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 1992, , Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis also grew his private practice through publicity from his talks, workshops, radio, and television presentations which led to referrals from a number of psychologists with whom he had no personal relationship with (Ellis 1997). Besides maintaining a full-time private practice, Albert Ellis also found the time to become the first Chairman of the first Committee on Private Practice of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Ellis 1997). During that time he conducted a study of the members of the American Psychological Association (Ellis 1997). This study showed that only 56% of the American Psychological Association members were engaged in some kind of paid private practice, and only 30% devoted 20 or more hours a week (Ellis 1997). Only a few individuals including Albert Ellis were in full-time private practices (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis also worked with Reverend Ilsley Boone on a New York District Federal Court to legally sell nudist magazines (Ellis 1997)_. _ They lost the New York District Federal court case and immediately start working on a brief for the United States Supreme Court and alternately reversed and New York district Federal Court decision (Ellis 1997). This was a major victory for nudists across the country (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis quickly became an â€Å"Idol† for many American nudists (Ellis 1997). Philosophical and Psychological Beliefs Albert Ellis experimented with various forms of psychotherapy keeping therapies that he believed work better than others and disregarded everything else. Albert Ellis began building his own therapeutic process and started questioning traditional Freudian psychoanalysis. In 1953 Albert Ellis started calling himself a â€Å"psychotherapist† instead of the traditional â€Å"psychoanalyst† label (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004). Albert Ellis thought that this change of title would separate him from the classical psychoanalytic practices (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004). Albert Ellis had a passion for reading early philosophy e. g. Epictetus and Spinoza (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1992). Albert Ellis also read famous works from the leading psychologist of his time e. g. Alfred Adler and Karen Horney (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004). His study of philosophy and psychology also led him to become interested in understanding the philosophy of happiness. Albert Ellis came to the conclusion that if an individual’s basic needs were met, the individual would be happy. He found that basic needs were only part of the equation for personal happiness. Albert Ellis then focused on negative thoughts. Albert Ellis thought that if people had a rational philosophy of life they would rarely be emotionally disturbed (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 1997, 2004). Albert Ellis formulated a theory that psychological issues and emotional issues of the individual were causing the negative thoughts or what Albert Ellis called irrational beliefs (Ellis 1997, 2004). Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Basics Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is a therapy in which individuals change their perceived believes about perceived negative events. Albert Ellis acquired several disabilities such as diabetes, tired eyes, deficient hearing, as well as other physical handicaps (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis used Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) to overcome his negative perceptions of his disabilities. † If you really accept it, and stop whining about it, you can turn some of its lemons into quite tasty lemonade† (Ellis 1997). Albert Ellis used rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT), on himself, in 1943 soon after he became a practicing psychologist (Ellis 1997, 2004). Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is an important and useful therapy still used today. First, an individual must be aware of their irrational thoughts or explain to the individual that the way they perceive an event is irrational. Then, the individual must replace the irrational thought with rational thought. Finally the individual believes in â€Å"unconditional self acceptance (USA)† (Ellis 1997, 2004). Unconditional self acceptance (USA) is when an individual learns to accept and love their self for who they are rather than what they do. The unconditional self acceptance (USA) is reached when the low frustration tolerance (LFT) is raised and ultimately achieves high frustration tolerance (HFT) (Ellis 1997, 2004). The ABC’s of REBT Albert Ellis believed emotional problems that an individual suffers from are the link to a set of irrational beliefs held about themselves, others, and the world they live in. These rational beliefs perpetuate negative self talk in the individual’s consciousness. The negative self talk puts emphasis on â€Å"shoulds†, â€Å"oughts†, and â€Å"musts† of irrational thinking. Rational emotive behavioral therapy attempts to replace these irrational beliefs with new rational thoughts. The process of helping the client change their irrational believes is a two step process. The first step is setting up or choosing for themselves certain happiness producing values, purposes, goals, or ideals; and effective, flexible, scientific, logico-empirical [sic] ways to achieve these values and goals and upload boarding contradictory or self defeating result (Ellis 1997, 2004). Rational beliefs or irrational beliefs shape who we are how we act. Albert Ellis created an ABC model to help both the client and the therapist engage and treat unrealistic, immature, and absolutist modes of thinking into realistic, mature, logical, and a realistic approach to thinking (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). The â€Å"A† in the ABC model refers to the â€Å"activating an event†. Activating events are events that trigger or cause our beliefs and perception. The Activating event could be a real situation that the individual had experience are could be inferred event were individual their own meeting contrary to what the situation was (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 2004). In Either case the activating event is negative stimuli cause by an event or situation triggers any irrational belief (Ellis 2004). The â€Å"B† in the ABC model is beliefs that shape an individual emotions and behaviors (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). In other word, an individual who experiences an activating event then forms a belief based upon that activating event affecting their decision-making about their consequences and/or reaction to other stimuli (Ellis 2004). These Beliefs can either be you’re rational or rational (Ellis 2004). The â€Å"C† in the ABC model stands for the consequences of the irrational beliefs (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). There are emotional and behavioral consequences, either positive or negative, to a set of beliefs about the activating event (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). Individuals that suffer from irrational beliefs about a given situation will likely suffer from unhealthy negative emotions (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). Unhealthy negative emotions are extreme emotions that can manifest themselves in a variety of forms e. g. guilt, anxiety, andor depression (Ellis 2004). The extreme negative feelings are so intense that the individual afflicted with these emotions often cannot function normally (DiGiuseppe 1989 , Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis does not believe that one should live a life free of negative emotions (Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis believed that healthy negative emotions were emotions that were relatively â€Å"low in intensity† (Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis believed that the healthy negative emotions experienced in a mentally healthy individual can modify behavior for the betterment of the individuals’ life (DiGiuseppe 1989, Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis later added the (D), (E), and (F) to his ABC’s ofRational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (Ellis 2004). The â€Å"D† is disputing the irrational beliefs that the individual possesses about the activating event (Ellis 2004). The â€Å"E† or effect the person feels is only achieved when the individual or client successfully disputes the irrational belief and replaces the irrational belief with a rational belief (Ellis 2004). This will ultimately lead to a new effect in the persons behavior. The effect will then lead the individual to a healthier and happier way of feeling â€Å"F† (Ellis 2004). The application of the rational emotive behavioral therapy’s ABC model allows people to visualize how their reactions to events are formed (Ellis 2004). Once an individual visualizes how irrational beliefs are formed and changes their behavior negatively therapy will, more than likely, be successful. The 4 steps of applying the ABC model Rational emotive behavioral therapy is an approach that makes the client participates in an active role in the therapy process. There are four steps in applying the ABC model. As the client Progresses through the four steps will work through an individual’s irrational beliefs and use certain skills to combat any irrational beliefs that may arise after private counseling has ended (Ellis 2004). Step one is to reveal the individuals or clients irrational beliefs in their current mode of thinking (Ellis 2004). In many cases the individuals of clients have had these irrational beliefs for so long that they cannot distinguish their irrational beliefs from normal rational beliefs (Ellis 2004). Also when the individual or the client has family and friends reinforcing their irrational beliefs, even though the irrational beliefs may not fall into societal norms, only reinforces the idea that their irrational beliefs are rational or normal (Ellis 2004). The first step, basically, outlines the treatment plan and formulates a plan of action to dispute the irrational beliefs. Clients must be aware of their irrational and rational beliefs and distinguish the differences between the two different beliefs. In step two the client or individual expands their understanding of what is irrational and what is rational (Ellis 2004). This step is similar to step one, but step two the therapy is more in-depth and intense. In step two the client or individual must be made aware of their irrational beliefs and how the individuals’ irrational beliefs are perpetuating their own turmoil (Ellis 2004). If the client or individual continues to think unreasonable or irrational, they will repeat their irrational behavior and have continued unpleasant feeling that interrupt their normal way of life (Ellis 2004). In showing the individual or client the pattern of their irrational beliefs and the consequences their irrational beliefs impose on them is detrimental to the success of their treatment (Ellis 2004). Only when the client can distinguish the difference between rational beliefs and irrational beliefs, can realize that the negative problems they are having are in direct correlation with their irrational beliefs, and can see the pattern they follow when irrational beliefs are present (Ellis 2004). Step three begins once the previous objectives have been met. In step three the individual or client will learn how to stop illogical or irrational beliefs and change the irrational and negative pattern into a new logical and rational mode of thinking and behaving (Ellis 2004). This is achieved when the individual ceases the negative self talk and stop the irrational beliefs from affecting their mode of thinking (Ellis 2004). Many individuals have their irrational beliefs so embedded in their mode of behaving and their mode thinking that the individual may not even be aware that their irrational beliefs are irrational (Ellis 2004). The client with help from their therapist will attempt to identify the irrational beliefs from the rational beliefs (Ellis 2004). In the fourth and final step the client has identified their irrational beliefs (Ellis 2004). The client along with the help of the therapist, work to modify the clients negative way of thinking and identify and change the clients irrational beliefs into rational modes of thinking (Ellis 2004). The therapist works with the client until a new set of rational beliefs are fashioned (Ellis 2004). Once the irrational belief system is replaced by a more rational and logical belief system the client will notice negative feelings and negative behaviors change into a more positive feelings and positive behaviors (Ellis 2004). The rational emotive behavioral theapry techniques used by the therapist to dispute irrational beliefs can vary from client to client depending on the type of the client and modes of irrational thinking REBT Techniques Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is a multimodal form of therapy (Ellis 2004). Some of the different techniques used in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy include â€Å"Disputing the client’s irrational beliefs†, â€Å"changing the language of the client†, and emotive techniques like â€Å"role playing† and â€Å"rational emotive inventory† (Ellis 2004). These different techniques can be used to modify several types or irrational behaviors caused by irrational beliefs e. g. anxiety, depression, anger, and addictions (Ellis 2004). These techniques show the client how to refute their irrational beliefs in a precise and rapid method. Disputing the client’s irrational beliefs technique is a technique that makes the client challenge their beliefs and modes of thinking (Ellis 2004). In this technique the therapist presents a series of questions such as: Why do you assume this? or Why must it be this way? When the client answers these questions the client start to realize that the way they are thinking is irrational (Ellis 2004). The language of the client technique disputes â€Å"the shoulds† and â€Å"the oughts† in the client’s way of thinking (Ellis 2004). In most cases the language used by the client forms their irrational way of thinking (Ellis 2004). By changing â€Å"the shoulds† and â€Å"the oughts† into wishes, wants, and desires may change the client’s irrational beliefs (Ellis 2004). Example of Self-Application of REBT The techniques outlined by Albert Ellis shows how simplistic but meaningful Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) can be (Ellis 2004). Take for example when Albert Ellis gets impatient or angry about his various limitations (Ellis 2004). Albert Ellis says to himself: â€Å"Too damn bad! I really do not like taking all this time and effort to deal with my impairments and wish to hell that I didn’t have to do so. But alas, I do. It is hard doing so many things to keep myself in a relatively healthy condition, but it is much harder in the long run and much more painful and deadly, if I do not keep doing this. There is no reason whatsoever why I absolutely must have it easier than I do. Yes it is unfair for me to be more afflicted than many other people are. But, damn it, I should be just as afflicted as I am! Unfairness should exist in the world—to me, and to whomever else it does exist—because it does exist! Too bad that it does—but it does! † sic Albert Ellis lived a full and rich life filled with controversy and an outspoken attitude. Albert Ellis fought for gay and lesbian rights and the right to send uncensored or â€Å"obscene† mail through the Federal mail system. Albert Ellis was also one of the first individuals start their own private practice as a psychologist.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Philip II Essay

King Philip II ruled over the western Habsburg kingdom, which included Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily, and Sardinia. When he got married to Mary I, he then ruled over England and Ireland. There were major challenges that Philip II faced during his reign. Some of the problems were finances and control over some of his countries, such as Spain and the Netherlands. Philip II had many problems throughout Spain since the time it had grown unstable. Philip II had a debt and needed to pay back his bankers and mercenaries. He was able to make some money from the silver from mines in Bolivia. Since there was money coming from the Americas, Europe was able to gain some wealth. Europe also gained an increase in its population. This caused inflation, which was less food and fewer jobs, while still having the population overflow. There was an obviously visible gap between the richer people and the poor ones. Because of a need for money, the unprivileged people of Spain suffered greatly from the harsh taxes of Philip II. Philip II also wanted an efficient bureaucracy and military. He made the lesser nobility into the bureaucracy because if he would have used higher nobles they may try to gain more power. Philip II had to deal with a Turkish threat in the Mediterranean. So, Spain, Venice, and the Pope created the Holy League. In a naval battle, The Battle of Lapanto, they defeated the Turks who had tried to invade Austria. Control had been secured in the Mediterranean and then Spain annexed Portugal. Philip eventually declared bankruptcy and could not pay his soldiers. They became known as the Spanish fury when they attacked Antwerp. While Philip II was dealing with many complications, the Netherlands came along and caused more damage for him. The Count of Egmont and William of Nassau, or William of Orange, started a strong opposition to Spanish overlords. Because of this, Philip II decided that the decrees of the Council of Trent and the Inquisition were to be enforced in the Netherlands. Louis of Nassau led the opposition of Philip II’s decision. This caused Protestants to riot throughout the country. In response to this, Philip sent the Duke of Alba to suppress the people. Alba publicly killed thousands of suspected heretics. This was known as the Council of Troubles, but it was referred to as the Council of Blood in the Netherlands. The Duke of Alba also enforced taxes, such as a ten percent sales tax that caused people to flee the country. Furthermore, Philip II only had one chance left to destroy the Netherlandic resistance, so he called William of Orange an outlaw and even placed a bounty on him. But William of Orange had a speech, the Apology, which called Philip a tyrant, causing the Union of Utrecht to disregard Philip as their ruler. King Philip II went through a lot during his time of reign. He was dealing with many different countries, some under and some not under his rule. Spain had a very bad economy that was not going far. There was an inflation, which made everything even more difficult. Then in the Netherlands, they wanted to be free. They caused trouble for Philip and tried to resist whatever he did. Philip even had to send over the Duke of Alba, and the people of the Netherlands hated him for it. The problems in the Netherlands led to the Twelve Years’ Truce, where the northern provinces gained independence. Later on, their official independence was from the Peace of Westphalia in 1648.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysing NetFlix Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysing NetFlix Performance - Essay Example This increased their expenditure on streaming from the US $33 million to the US $200 million per year.On July 12, 2011, they increased their monthly subscription from the US $ 9 to the US $ 15. It takes off after 2003 when the company makes a profit for the first time. Between 2003 and 2009 the growth is steady but slow. The year 2010 find’s the stock taking off in a big way. The reason may be the sudden increase in subscription base or due to the tie-up with Starz Entertainment. The company becomes a dot-com success story. Video rentals are a technology-driven industry. At the time NetFlix entered the market DVD’s were a novelty and were costlier.Internet was also in its infancy. Video Cassettes were the popular medium and it was mostly retail renting. NetFlix made use of the compactness of the DVD and the accessibility of the internet to start online renting, sending the DVDs by mail. Monthly Subscription was another attraction. When the business prospered they tied up with Cable TV operators and Movie producing companies to get new movies at the earliest time. They also made use of the Improvement in the internet speed by offering Movies over the internet by streaming.This meant that no physical media was to be transported and that the user can make his choice online. The Web Portal of the Company also has facilities for registering viewer preferences. Right decisions at the right time and adapting to changing technologies and keeping track of the user preferences are the reason behind NetFlix’s success.The recent dip in stock prices and the negative comments of the customers on the increase in subscription rates are only temporary hiccups.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Negotiations and Conflict Resolution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Negotiations and Conflict Resolution - Assignment Example Also what is their resistance point, meaning how far can they go in the negotiations to receive the desired result. And what the cost of terminating the negotiations altogether will be (Lewicki et al, 2011) Lewicki (2001) elaborates that another tactical tasks is to try and supervise and somewhat manage the impressions of the other party. If the negotiator can do this and influenced ones impressions, then he can also modify the perceptions of the other party. One of the approaches is to conceal information. Again, such a strategy can carry ethical implication. Carefully exercising such tactics may mean that the negotiator can actually manipulate and orchestrate the deal, delay or even terminate the negotiations. One can also influence the cost of the bargaining. There are three ways to do so – in a disruptive way, in a alliance with outsiders and in a scheduled manipulation (Lewicki et al, 2011). In addition to the key steps the negotiations transition through 3 stages. The first stage is when all the planning and initiation to find a counter business partner is (Mnookin, 2011). The Second stage is when the negotiations begin and some issues need to be overcome to conclude the deal. And the last stage is when the agreement is executed. During the preparation parties need to find out what are their goals and how we can work together to reach it. Building relationship with the other party is all about understanding and accepting the differences and similarities not only between the businesses, but between each others characters (Lewicki et al, 2011) During the information gathering, the parties learn and collect clues about the businesses and what issues may arise. The use of the information implies that the parties have to assemble their best cards and present their argument. The bidding is when the negotiators trade their offers and each party explains what is willing to give and what is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Entrepreneurship joint venture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Entrepreneurship joint venture - Assignment Example Contents Abstract 1 Contents 2 Introduction 3 Importance of venture and Working capital 4 Forms of business finance 4 Advantages and disadvantages of Venture Capital as source of finance 5 Salient issues around venture capitalists 6 Conclusion and recommendations 7 References 7 Introduction Venture capital is a form of financing that is widely used by small, medium, and large enterprises in economy. Venture capital is also referred to as equity financing owing to the fact that it addresses the financing needs of a firm in exchange of stake in the firm in question. This form of equity financing is often pursued by firms, which do not have the capacity to seek financing from other traditional financing modes like those sourced through the banks and public markets. It is worth noting that there are other forms of financing options, which the business can decide to explore to cater for its growth strategy and other operations (Mclaney & Atrill, 2006). Such options include loans from bank s, debentures, owner’s capital, and grant finance. Importance of venture and Working capital Venture and working capital are critical for any form of business that is starting up. The business under focus in this case is a beverage company known as Thasta (Mclaney & Atrill, 2006). The company by its nature needs both venture and working capital to realize increased business performance. ... sound working capital, it is important that the business possess an aggressive credit policy besides ensuring that there is operational efficiency at the facility (Mclaney & Atrill, 2006). On the other hand, it is important to take note that venture capital is equally important for the startup of the business because it does not affect the liquidity of a business. A business that is just starting operations rarely has revenue hence may not be able to afford loans or debenture leaving venture capital option as the best option for the company since it does not involve any financial obligations. It is worth noting that with regard to venture capital the various operations and projects of the company are financed in exchange for the shares of the company. Forms of business finance Apart from the venture capital, there exist other forms of capital, which include loans, debentures, owner’s capital, and grants. Loans are funds, which are advanced to the business by financial institut ions such as Banks. According to Mclaney and Atrill (2006), it is worth noting that loans attract interest over and above the principal amount. The business must therefore ensure that it regularly repays the principal amount and accruing interest. A debenture is yet another form of business financing option, which is available to the business. According to Mclaney and Atrill (2006), debentures are loan stocks, which are given subject to a trust deed. The debentures can be either redeemable or irredeemable. The firms can also raise capital for the expansion projects of the firm through equity shares. The only downside to equity shares is that it reduces the shareholding capacity of the company. Mclaney and Atrill (2006) say that grant is another form of financing option, which the firm can

UK Welfare Reform Bill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

UK Welfare Reform Bill - Essay Example It instead encourages them to work hard and earn their own income (Meyer and Sullivan, 2004). The bill compels all the people who claim benefits to follow an employment advisor's directions or sanctions be placed on their benefits. This is in order to ensure that any benefits claims are made in the right way. These new conditions are meant to ensure that only deserving people are considered for benefits. This bill proposes that beneficiaries work for their benefits through some sort of a workfare with a labor rate of about '1.73 hourly for 35 hours every week. This bill further proposes the piloting of this workfare and its subsequent rollout without any further primary legislation. The workfare clause of the bill has attracted a lot of criticism from various quarters who have proposed various amendments to the clause. The UK Department of Welfare and Pensions has refuted any claims of workfare increasing the likelihood to find work. The department particularly notes that workfare is not effective in getting jobs for people, especially in jurisdictions of weak labor markets that have a high rate of unemployment. The department also faults the bill's effectiveness in for individuals who have numerous barriers to work. The bill has further been accused of reducing employment chances since it limits the time for job hunting and also fails to offer the necessary experience and skills needed by the employers. Work-related activity The bill allows Jobcentre Plus and other private contractors to give mandatory directions to single parents as well as disabled and sick claimants. These directions require these claimants to undertake specific activities or risk facing sanctions on their benefits. This move will ensure that the claimants put some effort towards improving themselves rather than waiting on the government to do it for them. Increased conditions for couples This bill introduces two new changes for any couples who claim benefits. First, it removes the disabled or sick people's rights to claim ESA for couples where one of the partners can claim JSA. Second, this bill requires partners of JSA, ESA and IS claimants to participate in work-related activities or face sanctions. This in effect means that these partners have no choice but to work. Contributions for ESA and JSA This bill greatly restricts eligibility to contribute to ESA and JSA. Those working will now be forced to work longer to be able to pay the required contributions to qualify for the benefits. This will go a long way in reducing the number of qualified contributors to JSA and ESA. This will as a result force many of these claimants to means-tested benefits. The means-tested benefits are not only complex, but also suffer low take up. Others will end up not having any entitlement to means-tested benefits. Carers and maternity allowances This bill proposes the abolishment of dependent additions paid with maternity and carers' allowances. Both benefits are not means-tested and its beneficiaries are the poorest of the poor in the country. The removal of these benefits will lead to over-reliance on means-tested benefits. Those who do not pass the means test will be forced to live on a very low level of income (Scott et al, 2003). Offenders' benefit penalties The bill proposes a four-week benefit suspension for those

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analytical essay on Mesopotamian art and architecture

Analytical on Mesopotamian art and architecture - Essay Example Additionally, Assyrian art design was different from the structure of Babylonian art, which eventually became the main modern designs in Mesopotamia, resurfaced during the 1500 BC and prevailed until the end of Nineveh reign in 612 BC. Generally, the main aspect of Assyrian art design was the chopped stone relief of polychrome structure that was used to festoon imperial arts. The clearly delineated reliefs symbolized royal affairs, mainly hunting and organizing for successful battles. The art predominantly captures animal designs, especially a horse and lion; these were elegantly portrayed in the art in a comprehensive manner (Begemann et al 135-169). Additionally, though, important personalities are fairly rigid they are also benignly represented, as in victorious scenes of operations, wars, and individual military contribution. Assyrian reliefs that apparently popular include the lion-hunt sculptures depicting Assurbanipal of 7th century BC and Assurbanipal II of the 9th century BC (Ulrichsen 349-377). Both carvings are archived by the British. Guardian nature composed of lions and other flying wildlife with hairy human face. The models were presented in incomplete curves for strong regal entrances. It is notable, though, that Nimrud-carved elephant tusks and bronze plates were located by archaeologists. The items are colored in the Assyrian form, and were the brainchild of and Aramaic and Phoenician artisans (Landes, Mokyr, and Baumol 164-168). Mesopotamia’s structural designs are the earliest designs of the society of the Mesopotamia region, which is popular for the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The designs include several unique cultures and lasting between the 10th millennium BC and the 6th century BC when the oldest structures were erected. Notably, the Mesopotamian architectural achievements encompass the growth of towns through proper structuring techniques, the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Day of leisure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Day of leisure - Essay Example To begin with, leisure is such a word that cannot be defined by a single statement, as there is so much to it than meets the eye. It is thus agreed that the best way to really cover its meaning is to define it as an activity, as time, and as a state of mind. Leisure as time defines leisure as being free from obligations or duties that may be either paid or unpaid or tasks that are essential for our existence. Leisure time in this case is seen as residual time. While there are those who see all the time that they spend away from work is leisure time, the truth is only a small percentage of this time is essentially spent for leisure. Some of the time spared after work can be used to do other activities that are crucial to our survival, say eating or sleeping. As an activity, leisure does not entail life maintenance tasks such as sleeping or general house cleaning. Leisure in this case means the activities that we engage in for relaxation, growth, meditating, competition, engaging in certain sport activity, painting and so on. These tasks are not done for our existence but for fun. As an activity, leisure is solely dependent on an individual. As a state of mind, it relates to the above definition in that leisure is dependent on an individual’s perception of what they are doing and whether they perceive that to be leisure. Concepts that come into play here include perceived freedom or competence, intrinsic motivation, and the positive effect of the activity. Remember it is the above effect that helps the individual knows whether a certain experience was pleasurable to them. To elaborate a little on the above, we would say that in perceived freedom, the individual is free to choose the activity they want to engage in without any obligation to do so. In intrinsic motivation, the individual is not influenced by any external force to engage in a given activity and that such motivation comes from within. Perceived competence refers to an individual

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reflective Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Reflective - Case Study Example After LAS attended the scene, they found her GCS to be 11/15, and a spot measurement of random blood sugars resulted in a value of 2.5 mmol/L. Through this reflective case study assignment, I will critically review the care provided by me as the first responder. I will also analyse whether the care was in conformity with the NICE guidelines (Qureshi et al., 2005). For this assignment, I would use Gibbs model of reflection since this is useful in nursing, and this adds to the new knowledge in order to develop a care plan within a single reflective cycle (Wilding, 2008). Reflection is a process of self-inquiry and transformation towards realising desirable practice as a lived reality. As such, reflection is both the research and developmental tool. By reflecting on my everyday practice, I have a chance to become increasingly mindful of myself within the practice, care delivery, and the way I do it. I may become more aware of the way I think, feel and respond to situations as they unfold. I may become more sensitive to the people within those situations, whether patients, their friends or relatives, or my colleagues. As a consequence, I can respond more in tune with my values and more skillfully with my patients and others, which is desirable from me as a person delivering care. The reflexive narrative is presented as an exemplar of researching self as a process of self-inquiry and transformation (Souter, 2003). The... To begin with, however, it was difficult to discern where to begin. It has been suggested that using a framework would be better (Chabeli and Muller, 2004), so it makes the reflective process structured and guided. I personally feel those who are very experienced would not need a framework for reflection. For me as a nurse as a means of reflective practice, I have and would always prefer to have a framework, and I choose the Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle in my reflections on my practice. From my experience and previous reflective episodes, I have seen that reflection is a dynamic and cyclic process. Therefore, a framework with overt cyclical approach would be most suitable. Gibbs formulated his reflective cycle while attempting to explain experiential learning, and in each step of the cycle, the reflective practitioner is faced with a series of questions that both guide and provide structure to the reflective process on practice. This process starts with a phenomenon and description of the event, and in each step, there are questions that lead to further critical analysis leading to a plan of action and then re-reflection on the changes. Reflections needs to take place at a conscious level that allows a nurse to make decisions about her learning, and critical analysis of such will also consider thoughts and ideas, evaluation of them, and making conscious informed choices about the future course of action in a given scenario. Most of the student life nursing placement s lead to experiences which are based on observations in the clinical scenario of actions or practice of other people. This definitely helps the nurses to gain experience and technical skills. However, reflection is a process to review those experiences, so a closer and critical

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The monetary financial system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The monetary financial system - Essay Example However, these investments have a downside risk of underperformance and lack of control etc. There are two types of collective investments: open ended investments and closed ended investments. In the open ended investments the number of shares or units is not fixed and the fund can issue unlimited amount of shares/units. However, as the name suggests, in closed ended investments the number of shares or units issued is fixed. The unit trust and investment trust are examples of collective investment institutions with certain notable differences which are explained as follows.      ‘An investment in unit trusts is a method whereby a small investor can form part of the share market without being directly involved.’ (Swart, 2007, p.153) ‘In contrast to unit trust, investment trusts are public limited companies whose business is the investment of funds in financial assets.’ (Buckle and Thompson, 1992, p.125)   Both the unit trust and the investment trusts ar e pooled investments that aim towards diversification of risk for the investor. The individual investor benefits from the knowledge and expertise of the trust managers for which the trust charges fees to its unit holders in the form of annual charges. Financial institutions and intermediaries play an important role in the management of the unit and investment trusts. ...    The unit trusts have been more popular in the past with investors preferring open ended units as opposed to closed ended in the case of investment trusts. Investment trusts are allowed to borrow for investment, however, this facility is not present with the unit trusts. Unit trust is managed by a trustee where the investment trust is a company listed on the exchange. In terms of pricing, unit trusts are always valued on their net asset value (NAV) whereas investment trust can trade both at a premium or discount to their NAV.   Thus demand and supply forces have no consequences on the unit trust but affect the prices of the investment. The unit trust issues unit which are not tradable to the third party whereas due to the listing on the stock exchange, investment trusts’ units are tradable. In terms of the fee structure, the investment trust charges as lower as compared to the unit trust.    Thus, with the above mentioned similarities and differences, it is up to the i nvestors’ analysis and nature to choose between unit trust and investment trust.    2. Firms could raise long term finance issuing shares and bonds. Evaluate the pros and cons of each? Companies need to generate funds on long term basis in order to operate in the market. The two basic options for raising equity from the market are: bonds and shares. The bond is a long term debt instrument with fixed interest payments issued by the issuer or the borrower of the funds which can be the government or any company. The bondholders are entitled to the fixed interest payments along with the return of their principle. They do not hold the right to own the company and are the first ones to be paid off at the time of bankruptcy. When the company issues shares for

Monday, July 22, 2019

Class Divided Essay Example for Free

Class Divided Essay When I first read the title a Class Divided; the first thought that came to my mind was another story about Blacks and Whites being separated. I really had no idea that what I was about to see and read would be a learning lesson like one I had never had before. But to my surprise once I started reading the article One Friday in April 1968 I knew that this was going to be different then any thing I had read. So I allowed myself to fill what the writer was writing to try and fill what Jane Elliott had felt that day in April in 1968. As she prepared to face a group of 3rd grade students who happened, to be white and teach them about racism and discrimination something she hoped they would understand the rest of their lives. Jane Elliott had taught her class about what the two things had mint before but not on the level she had planed to go to today; she hoped that with what she was planning to do would not mean she had crossed the line to far, but if not her then who and if not then when. It was not something that Jane Elliott could put off any longer. With the assassination of Rev Martin Luther King the night before this assignment was sure not to be an easy task. Jane Elliott knew things would be different in class this morning! But she was a women who knew in her heart what task laid before her and not quite sure how the outcome would be, or how or what response the children or their parents may have it was to late too turn around now. This was a situation that was going on all over the world not just in her town or in America. And it was time that someone brought right to the face of Americans children I mean who is the leaders of tomorrow but the children of today. And they might as well get a taste of the real world now; really what could the worst that could happen? You might find out that even at that young age, some of them might even understand that racism and discrimination is something they never want to be a part of or on the flip side you would have a bunch of racists’ running around; it was best to know now what kind of people were being raised instead of finding out later when they get to old to even change. The technique that Jane Elliott used was very different then any I had heard about and since by the video I knew there where no blacks in her class to see how she would divide the class I was very interested. And here white women a teacher from a rule town was willing to put and idea a solution of an age old question of how to stop discrimination. Something the nation had no solution to and countries and people were battling over everyday. How was this demonstration with kids going to change anything? Jane Elliott took a chance not just for wanting to teach students about racism and discrimination but teach it in a manner in which you as a person could actually feel acknowledge and understand the experience that they just went through to know how it feels to walk in another man shoes. Jane wanted her students to understand that at the end of the day no one is superior or inferior to anyone else no matter what your status is in life. Now I admit I had no idea how she was going to approach this difficult task and get the point across but as I continued to watch on, it was becoming clearer. When Jane Elliott started her class the following morning it started off I guess you could say any normal class day would start the students seem to be as happy as the average 3rd grader would be. The normal inquisitive minds of most kids; as the kids hung up there coast and put away their coat and lunches away she started getting the kids in order and as class started she asked them a question like did they know what were some of the things that made other people different from themselves and other whites. Some said size one said clothes but color was the one they all could agree on and so she asked them what where some of the skin colors that where different then their own? Blacks and sometimes they were called Negros and Indians. So she asked the kids and how did they think that people of other colors felt by feeling different about being different they said they felt that blacks did not feel as smart by not being white, and they felt stupid because they were black. And so with that she asked them how they would fill if they were treated different because of their color! Now keep in mind this is the week of national Brotherhood and you are suppose to treat your fellow mates with respect and love show them you care because they are your brother. And Jane Elliott was about to do just the opposite. She asked them how would they fill if they where treated different because of the color they where now at first I’m thinking how is this going too work they are all white. But she told them that she was going to divide them up by the color of their eyes. Now for that day all people with blue eyes were going to be better then the brown eyes and it was like immediately you seen a whole different reaction from the class, it was if these weren’t even the same kids the brown eyed kids started to withdraw almost immediately and the blue eyes were in full bloom. Some of the blue eyed kids even gave a solution on how Ms Jane should handle the brown eyed kids with a yard stick incase they got out of hand. Now by lunch time the blue eyes felt on top of the world they told not to play with brown eyed kids and that they could have seconds on food the brown kids could not. Now for the brown eyes you could see the confusion on their faces the hurt they actually tried to rationalize how the same kids they had been friends with and played with change so much. And I remembered thinking how could in such a short period of time could these sweet kids turn into the ill monsters they has become. For me it was like if it took them such little time to embrace such a cruel sprite then I knew how it must be for grown people who exercise this kind of behavior for a long period of time how bitter and angry they must be not at the world but themselves. Now one of the scenes on the playground when the blue eyed boy taunts the brown eyed boys and they get into the brawl it hurt because before this experiment they were friends. And just in a couple of hours all there upbringing and brotherly love had went out the window. Now when Jane asked the boys what happen the blue eyed boy said it made him fill powerful and in charge? He said it made him fill like a king. The brown eyed boy to me on the hand seemed to be more affected by what had happen at lunch he said he was hurt and they use to be friends that the eyes had nothing to do with it they had been friends and even though he hit the blue eyed boy it did not make him fill better. This made me see that even though this was the first time they had put a division among the students the lust for power emerged quickly in some with out hesitation and others went along with it because that’s what they were told to do while again the brown eyed boy stood up for himself regardless of what the teacher said even though he admitted that he did not like being treated different and fighting did not make it better he just knew it was not fair. On returning back to class Ms Jane also noticed how the blue eyed kids were getting there work done faster and even being more helpful she noticed how the brown eyed kids looked like they where helpless and not really participating in class time you tell they felt rejected. It was as if had caught the essence of creating a bad situation but had the answer for straitening it out all was not lost. Jane announced to the that the roles had changed the following morning in class and believe me the blue eyes where not to happy with the change this mint they would be on the bottom and the brown eyes were on top. Some kids did not want to do it anymore while others could not wait to be on top. What this showed me with kids is that they do as they see being done just as well as what they hear. When it was time to go back to being normal no more blue eyes no more brown eyes over all the kids seemed to be happy to return to the normal class setting; she allowed the kids to tell what they like and disliked better about it and in the end the all promised not to ever dislike somebody because of there skin color. When Jane Elliott did this same experiment in the jail there was a whole different reaction here the video was showed to the inmates not as a test but more as a teaching tool which I kind of understood discrimination is something that most of the prisoners had encountered some where along the way either in there or one of the reasons they where in jail in the first place. But she did use the correctional officers and parole agents and I could not believe what was going on one man early on caught on that it must have been some kind of test because he notice the obvious brown eyes only signs blue eyes only signs seating situation while others tried very heard but it was this one lady she was a blue eye and a correctional officer she questioned and taunted everything that Jane wanted them to do prior to the blue eyes meeting in the room with the brown eyed people she sort told them that the group of people entering were going to be rude loud dominant and disruptive once the seminar bega n. No one knew what was going on but she was setting the blue eye people to fail. She made them annoyed in every way possible so about time the group was together it would seem that the blue eyed people were just as she described. Now the Lady with the blue eyes seemed to be the type of person that was easily irritated to start with her whole persona was if she was in charge and not Jane she answered questions with questions kept getting smart like she was going to be in charge no matter what it was her life and job were one in one and nobody was going to make her fill less she controlled the inmates at work and that was how her personality came off as if she did not come second to anyone things went her way or no way and that there is only one right answer hers; she became very annoying too me and she made me fill like some people In authority position now like its only their way that works does on like individuality love making people fill less in order for them to feel good about the mselves. It seems if the other blue eyed people were willing to try and work out was being taught she kept a defensive block up all the time. Her behavior had begun to annoyed a lot of the people in the room including some blue eyes This also made me see how much easier it was for the children to grasp what was being taught; more then the adults the kids were willing to say that how they were able to treat people even when they were told to do so if it mint treating them bad they did not like it. Of course for the one kid who felt like it gave him power. The correctional officer Acted, as if to admit that you are not better then the person next to you then there better then you. I think she had control issues; me, personally fill that you can learn something new ever day if you are willing to learn you have good and bad I every race good and bad comes in many shapes and sizes. But if you be the best you can be treat people with kindness and respect you will get treated the same. As long as you know there are exceptions to all rules and some people are just not nice no matter what. But don’t let that change who you are. Smile and somebody bound to smile back.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Social Class on Education

Impact of Social Class on Education Assess and explain the impact of social class inequalities on education outcomes In this essay I will explain and evaluate the impact of social class inequalities on education and its outcomes. Sociologists see society as a stratification system that is based on factors such as; hierarchy of power, privilege and wealth, which leads into social inequalities. Inequality is about who gets what, how they get it and why they get it. Social inequality is about class, gender and ethnicity, it is characterised by the presence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social groups. There are two main views of social inequalities in education within sociology; the functionalists and the marxists. The functionalists believe that the education system is meritocratic because if you work hard, you get rewards. Emile Durkheim believes that education contributes to social solidarity which is essential for society as it binds society together. It has provided norms and values, a sense of history and a feeling of belonging in society. Durkheim also believed that education contributes to individual’s specialised skills as these are taught with education and being passed on from parents. The education system teaches individuals the skills and knowledge required to enable an individual to do the job. Talcott Parsons developed further into Durkheim’s theory and suggests that education is a secondary socialisation where schools build on the primary socialisation, which is taught by parents. That education system develops on value consensus and prepares children for their adult roles. He believed that education helps with individual achievement as it rewards high achievers wi th praise, it offers equal opportunity for individuals to a chance of success. He also believes that schools are a miniature version of society which prepares them for adult roles and assists with role allocation as it helps them discover their talents and expands them further. However functionalists were criticised as there is evidence that certain groups underachieve in schools which suggests that individuals do not have equal opportunities, their talent is was not effectively developed or the role allocation is not effective. The marxists believe that the education system operate as an ideological tool. Louis Althusser believed that schools prepare individuals for their roles in jobs, are taught to except future exploitation and are provided with education and qualification to match their job roles. He believes that the education system brainwashes and manipulates individuals. Bowles and Gintis argue against Parsons’s role allocation theory as they suggest individuals who get the highest qualifications and the top jobs do so because they work hard and do as they’re told. They found the individuals with the high grades where obedient, hardworking and conforming and are rewarded with high grades as they are the qualities required for adult work. It is said that the higher a person’s social class, the higher their educational qualification, which has been proved over the past 50 years by sociological research and government statistics. For example statistic in 2012/13 show that in London, pupils living in the area of Westminster achieve 86.6% in achieving 5+ A*-C grades, compared to pupils living in the area of Newham achieve 79.1%. Although both areas are within inner London the results show a difference due to class social factors within educational attainment. It is also said that a parent’s social class has a greater impact on how a child preforms at school, research by the University of London’s Institute of Education found that parent(s) who are in professional and managerial jobs were at least eight months ahead of pupils who parent(s) were unemployed. They took into consideration such factors as ethnicity and family size. The education system has been suggested as being biased and designed for whi te, middle class children and ignoring the needs for the working class and ethnic minority. However it is argued that there is a similar range of ability in every social class and factors within society such as low expectations, lack of deferred gratification and economical issues are the reasons for failure in working class. Working class children tend to experience economical hardship than any other class, because it has been linked to material deprivation, such as lack of money and things money could buy is the reason for working class underachievement. Sociologists believe that the children are unable to obtain needed educational items such as computer with internet, desks and books which is a disadvantage for them as well as the costs of education such as tuition fees meaning that people within the working class believe they cannot afford to attend further education. Parsons believed that middle class children from a young age receive more attention and encouragement from their parent(s), which gives them a higher attainment for when they begin school. However J Douglas believed that the working class children’s parent(s), do not understand what their children needs are to succeed in education. He believed that the interest displayed by parent(s) in the children’s attainment contributed to their education. Also the attitudes of the parent(s) to the teachers becomes apparent and this can encourage a teacher to treat one pupil different from another. Social class subcultures such as the differences between the norms and values suggests differences in attainment according to some sociologists. Barry Sugarman believed that working class subculture was fatalistic as they accepted the situation and did nothing to improve it, it was present-time orientated as there was no planning for the future. He also suggested concerns with immediate gratification as there was no sacrifices for the future, whereas the middle class saw things differently. These differences contribute to the attitude in education and will lead to lack of enthusiasm and mind-set to succeed. Other sociologists believe that cultural deprivation such as an absence of certain norms, values, attitudes and skills that are needed for educational success and this is why the working class were also underachieving. However Basil Bernstein believed there are different speech patterns between different classes. He developed the cultural deprivation theory where he suggested that speech patterns of those at the bottom class are inferior. He suggested that working class children adopt a restricted speech code and the education system adopts an elaborated speech code. He also believes that children suffer due to a language barrier, restricting the teacher to be able to teach and the children being unable to learn, which then causes underachievement. Pierre Bourdieu agrees that the working class are discriminated because they are unable to grasps the teachers meaning of grammar, tone, accent and the delivery of teaching. Bourdieu states that the higher people’s position in the class system, the greater the amount of dominant culture they have. This culture is referred as superior as they have power which forms the basis of the education system. He argues that the higher class cultures are better when compared to the working class, because of the perceived superiority where the middle class believe the working class have themselves to blame for the failure in education. Bourdieu believes that children born into the middle class have a built in advantage as their culture is closer to the school culture which gives them an advantage to succeed, such as their language is closer to the teachers which gives them more of an understanding of what’s being taught. According to Bourdieu the dominant culture are seen as cultural capital, because it is converted into material rewards such as high status jobs and high salaries. He concludes that education is cultural and social reproduction as the ed ucation system reproduces the dominant culture which reproduces class system. By doing this is creates education success and failure which justifies the positions of those at the top and bottom. However Bourdieu believes that middle class should not assume that the higher class is better as the failures are measured in exam success, which is in fault with the education system and not the culture. He argues that individuals learn by what they see in life and what they expect, he states that different social groups have different chance and experiences in life. For example studying Spanish art, middle class children can go there and see it, whereas working class have to visualise it. Diane Reay states that it is the mothers who make cultural capital work for their children as she believes that all mother are active in their children’s education, that working class mother’s work just as hard as middle class mothers. She suggested that middle class mothers had more educational qualification and knew how the system worked and used cultural capital to good effect such as helping with homework. Because of this working class mothers believed that they lacked the knowledge to be able to help with their children. Reay argued that middle class women had more material capital by employing cleaners it allowed them time to help their children, working class women didn’t have this as well as being able to afford private tuition. According to Reay it’s the mothers that help with educational attainment, their effectiveness depends on the amount of cultural capital and this depends on social class. There is evidence that suggests that working class pupils are discriminated against middle class pupils for example pupils are always being assessed, they’re labelled as able and less able, placed into sets, entered for individual examinations and denied access to parts of school curriculum. It is suggested that middle class children are classed as able which is a disadvantage for working class. Once a pupil has been labelled they tend to respond or interpret that label which is a self-fulfilling prophecy and will continue to see themselves as that label. However it’s argued that this has no effect on pupil’s achievement, they believe that class differences in attainment are due to what happens outside of school. On the other hand others say it is a combination of differences in school as well as outside. Statistic in 2012/13 show that girls achieve 86.5% in achieving 5+ A*-C grades, compared to boys who achieve 79.6% in achieving 5+ A*-C grades. Bibliography Department of Education, (2014, February 14th). Statistic – national statistics GCSE and equivalent attainment by pupil characteristics. Available: Retrieved 23rd February 2014 Haralambos, M., Richardson, J., Taylor, P., Yeo, A. (2010). Sociology in focus (2nd ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. History learning site. (n.d). Social class and achievement. Available: Retrieved 23rd February 2014 History learning site. (n.d). Pierre Bourdieu. Available: Retrieved 23rd February 2014 Shepard, J. (2010, December 7th). Social class has more effect on children than good parenting, study finds. The guardian. Available: Retrieved 23rd February 2014

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Klu Klux Klan Essay examples -- Klu Klux Klan Racism Essays

The Ku Klux Klan originated over one hundred years ago and has gone through many changes since its beginning. Although many people know the Ku Klux Klan exists, they do not understand its purpose or how it has changed throughout its life. After the Civil War ended, the Southern states went through a time known as Reconstruction. Ex-Confederate soldiers had returned home now, and they were still upset about the outcome of the war. It is at this point in time that the Ku Klux Klan became a part of everyday life for many Southerners. In the beginning the Ku Klux Klan was started to be a way for people who had the same views to spend time together. The original members meant of the Ku Klux Klan to be a "hilarious social club" that would be full of aimless fun (Invisible Empire, p.9), though in later years the Ku Klux Klan became known for their violence against people outside the white race and people who associated with them. Contrary to what most people believe, the Ku Klux Klan was started because of a few people wanted to have some innocent fun, not because they were intending to start a chain of violence on anyone outside the white race.(The Klan, p.2) The Ku Klux Klan began in Pulaski, Tennessee, a small town south of Nashville. On the night of December 24, 1865 six ex-confederate soldiers were sitting around a fireplace it the law office of Judge Thomas M. Jones.(Invisible Empire, p.9) These six friends were having a discussion and were trying to come up with an idea to cheer themselves up. One of the men suggested that they should start a club and the rest of the men agreed with the idea. After discussing the mew idea, the men decided to meet again and retired for the night. The second meeting was again at Judge Thoma... ... BIBLIOGRAPHY Chalmers, David M. Hooded Americanism. New York: Franklin Watts, 1981. Horn, Stanley F. Invisible Empire. Connecticut: John E. Edwards, 1969. Imperial Klans of America. 13 April 2008. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 11 April 2008. Kajun Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 13 April 2008. "KKK, Though in Decline, Packs Punch." St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 26 August 1996, Section News Analysis. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. 13 April 2008. North Georgia White Knights. 12 April 2008. Sims, Patsy. The Klan. New York: Stein and Day, 1985. Southern Cross Militant Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. http://personal.atl. 12 April 2008.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Internet Promotes Cultural Diversity Essay -- Exploratory Essays

The Internet Promotes Cultural Diversity When one thinks of the internet, what sorts of worlds and images do you suppose come to his mind? First of all, the hardware such as a computer screen and keyboard come to mind, followed by letters and picture and maybe even a the web-like structure to portray the information super highway. Ideas of search engines and then internet mailing and messaging systems should then occur. In the end, the overall idea is one of mass communication and informational transferences. The abbreviation that is well known to most internet use, â€Å"www.† which denotes â€Å"World wide web,† shows the obvious international applications. With respect to this understanding of its global distribution, the question arises: Will these transcontinental interactions destroy the cultural and historical diversity of style in composition? The answer is no. Despite the convergences of cultures, students who manage to make it through high school should have a basic background in the formati on and styling of a composition. These more mechanical aspects of style are rarely altered unless a new style if promoted. Mixing these historically formal styles with the new wave of information broadcasting, offered by the web, entails an alteration of style which will only promote diversity. To attack the subject of changes in cultural style, we must ask the question: Will mass communication between diverse cultures destroy cultural diversity? Defining culture becomes the next priority: culture: 1) The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought typical of a population or community at a given time. 2) A style of social and arti... ... ideas of one webpage. Referring back to the example sites listed above, and while making note of the randomness that was associated with the creation of the â€Å"clown porn† site, one can make note of the fact that even though the site was created almost as a gag, some weird people found it worth while or amusing. Practically no matter how weird something is, there is probably someone else out there that has similar beliefs. In the end, the internet cannot destroy diversity but can only promote it. The thought otherwise would imply that the entire world has access to the internet and that in some way, the internet has created a world of zombies that conform to its conquering cultural spell. In actuality, people have access to cultures and styles that they may never physically interact with; therefore, promoting a more worldly character in those people.

Imperialism and Existential Freedom in Works Such as Joseph Conrad’s He

When people think of the concept of imperialism, they usually view it as something that pertains to government. Even the first definition of imperialism in the dictionary is â€Å"imperial state, authority, spirit, or system of government† (Webster 729). However, imperialism encompasses so much more than this. In comparing the resonations between Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness with Johann Goethe’s Faust, one can see how imperialism affects the political, the social, the psychological, and the spiritual, especially within the past 200 years. Stemming from this is man’s existential freedom, his â€Å"mechanical and lifeless existence in society†, explored in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s â€Å"The Grand Inquisitor† and Herman Melville’s â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†. Heart of Darkness shows imperialism in more of a physical and psychological perspective. The main character Marlow, in his beliefs, shows a positive side to imperialism. Marlow does openly admit that he does not belong as an invader to this land that is not his; however, he also says that he will try to help these people, the antithesis of most, if not all, of his comrades. Concerning these imperialistic invasions, he says, â€Å"The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much. What redeems it is the idea†¦not a sentimental pretence but an idea†¦something you can set up, and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Conrad 64). Marlow is driven by morality and is able to see what is right and wrong; he is not blinded to the truth. The truth that these â€Å"civilized men† are destroying countless numbers of people so that they can worship th... ...fected by this, though; it is the entire world. The majority of people believe only as they are told to believe. Much like in Bartleby the Scrivener, there is no civil disobedience; they do not question the morality of anything. They walk through their existential life completely blind and oblivious to what is happening around them. Two very defining characteristics of the societies present around the world, both past and present, are those of imperialism and existentialism. Whether it be as broad as a government or as small as a person, there is an overwhelming presence of power hunger and greed and complete disregard for those who may be â€Å"in the way†. So too is the seemingly mindless existence which people live life with. What the world strongly needs now is people who actually contain a soul; a soul that makes a human a human. Sadly, this is very much lacking.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Separation of Powers in the Uk

This essay will seek to analyse the doctrine of the separation of powers and the importance of its presence within a constitution. Particular emphasis will be placed on identifying how this idea is incorporated into the United Kingdom’s (UK) constitution and the effect that recent developments of constitutional reform such as the introduction of the UK Supreme Court in place of the House of Lords has had. The doctrine of the separation of powers is an idea that can be seen in writings as far back as the time of Aristotle. This concept states that any constitution relies on the ‘three pillars of state’ which are the executive, legislative and judiciary. Montesquieu formulated this concept in the eighteenth century and in ‘L’Esprit des Lois’ wrote; â€Å"All would be lost if the same man or the same body of principle of men, either of nobles, or of the people, exercised these three powers: that of making laws, that of executing public resolutions, and that of judging the crimes or the disputes of individuals. Montesquieu’s writing sums up the idea that if in any constitution at one time, more than one of these powers are controlled by the same ‘man’ or ‘body of men’ then the power instigated becomes arbitrary and to effect a dictatorship. These three powers can be seen within the UK’s constitution, the Government (executive), Parliament (legislature) and the Courts (judiciary). The UK has been criticised suggesting that there is n o separation of powers within our constitution due to its un-codified and thus unclear nature making it hard to establish three independent bodies. This was the case for a number of reasons; firstly within the UK there are overlaps between the so called ‘powers of state’ an example of this is the set-up of government. Members of the Prime Ministers Cabinet are also Members of Parliament who have executive powers aside being able to vote in parliament, that in turn creates a direct overlap between executive and legislative powers. This can be seen as recently as this year with members of the Cabinet like Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg having executive powers whilst being able to vote in Parliament on the Tuition Fees Bill 2010. The courts also appear to exercise legislative functions along with their judicial roles through means of the common law. Judges for years have been creating and changing laws as they see fit and still to this day have the power to make binding precedents. However, the position of Lord Chancellor was regularly criticised as it held presence in all three of the ‘pillars of state’. It would appear from this that indeed the United Kingdom does not exercise the concept of separation of powers. In February 2004 the House of Lords introduced what was eventually to be The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 . This act looked to tackle two of the perceived main criticisms of the UK constitution namely the role of Lord Chancellor and to bring in a Supreme Court to take over the role of the appellate committee of the House of Lords in the judiciary as prior to this members of the House of Lords were members of both the legislature and the judiciary. The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom was thereby opened in 2009 however; it would appear questionable as to whether it has really brought around a separation of powers. If a logical approach is taken then this introduction of a new chamber has made a big change to the constitution as no longer would it be possible for law lords to sit in the judiciary and vote in parliament however, if we take an alternative view then the Supreme Court has not really changed anything within the UK’s constitution. Due to the unwritten format of our constitution it is known that many laws and procedures that countries such as the USA (who possess a written constitution) have backed up by the documented constitution itself, we very much rely on the role of convention, habit and tradition to hold the three powers in check. It has very much been convention that from before 2006 the law lords that sit in the appellate committee of the House of Lords refrain from sitting in political matters whereas; members of the Lords who exercise political functions do not participate with any matters of the judiciary. True, the introduction of the Supreme Court has made it impossible for the legislative and judicial powers to be fused as members appointed within the Supreme Court will no longer be members of the House of Lords thus making this house of Parliament solely legislative. Perhaps a more important development is that future members of the Supreme Court need not even be peers which could in time sever any link between the two chambers. The act also placed restraints on the role of the Lord Chancellor that have met the same feeling as that of the Supreme Court, whilst yes these changes are positive, the question remains were they necessary? The introduction of the UK Supreme Court is a positive step to incorporate not only more written sources to the constitution but towards properly establishing a separation of powers within the UK. However, it can be suggested that a more appropriate step to chieving this goal would be to approach different issues and ones that don’t have constraints such as being governed by convention, that continue to work against any positive steps taken to establish a separation of powers within the state. The fact that Cabinet members can vote in parliament is a direct overlap between two of the powers and maybe reform of this area should be considered as well. Perhaps the whole set up of our countries elective system is in need of reform as any party that commands a majority could effectively pass any bill they like without opposition. Tony Blair as the head of the Labour government in 1997 enjoyed such domination of parliament. The use of the Royal Prerogative has been described as ‘unconstitutional’ and came under scrutiny when Tony Blair supported the USA in the Iraq War and sent British soldiers to war. These majority governments have been described as ‘elective dictatorships’, and these are but a few examples of many things that work against our country ever having a true and complete separation of powers. The establishment of the Supreme Court in October 2009 and the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 appears to have sparked willingness for change. This could be seen in the 2010 General Election where clear emphasis was placed on constitutional reform by each major party, to mention but one is the Liberal Democrats pledge to attempt to remove the first past the post voting system to be replaced by proportional representation. The Con-Lib coalition government of 2010 has recently created a five year fixed term parliament which places the next general election on the first Thursday of May 2015. These are all changes that will eventually contribute to creating a separation of powers and to positively change the constitution. It can be seen from this that the introduction of the new Supreme Court has made a big step towards bringing about a true separation of powers in the UK. Regardless of the conventions that the House of Lords and appellate committee followed, the Supreme Court has severed any link between the judiciary and parliament. This is particularly important in present times as the rise in claims of judicial review require a completely impartial court in order to enable the judiciary to keep check of the legislative and executive branches of state and to uphold constitutional justice. It is also clear that there is at best a partial separation of power in the UK which is important to retain but it could not be said that we have incorporated this concept wholly and much more will be done over time to establish a more stable constitution for future governments. Constitutional reform in itself is not a simple task and examples of this can be seen in countries such as Bosnia who are currently struggling with reformations, which really does highlight the enormity of creating a Supreme Court and re-identifying the judicial branch of the UK. Whilst there is currently only a partial separation of powers in the UK for now, this may be starting to change. 1491 Words. Bibliography †¢Neil Parpworth, Constitutional & Administrative Law (6th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010). †¢Anthony King, The British Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2007). †¢Jeffrey Jowell and Dawn Oliver, The Changing Constitution (6th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007). †¢Vernon Bogdanor, The New British Constitution (Hart Publishing, 2009). †¢http://www. energyobserver. com/tekst-e. php? lang=2&ID=1072 accessed 07/01/2011 14:07. †¢ accessed 07/01/2011 15:36.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Greece Economics

Greece is fundamentally a sevensary state with death chair as the enquiry of state. The chairman is pick out by the parliament for a period of 5 years. Powers of President mostly include ceremonious duties identical declaration on war, signing cessation treaties etc. The members of parliament are elected through general elections held every four-spot years or earlier if the introductory parliament is dissolved. Prime Minister (PM), luff of government, is generally the leader of party having legal age of seats in Parliament. President appoints otherwise Ministers of cabinet on the recommendations of the PM.PM and the cabinets are liable for running the country (Central and South-Eastern europium 288). The Phenylalanine Socialist Movement (PASO), New state (ND), Political Spring, Communist Party of Greece (EKE), and the coalition of the Left (SYNOPSISS) are major political parties in Greece. Legislative powers lie with president and parliament and a law is passed if It is voted by 2/3 of the members of parliament. The Judicial frame comprises of civil and administrative courts. Jurisdiction of civilian court includes civil and criminal cases whereas administrative courts settle the cases between citizens and the state.The politics of Greece is mark with overthrown leaders, military governance and dissolved or coalition government. In 1975, the country experient some civil reforms and a refreshing constitution In place. PASO has emerged as the prevalent political party In Greece during overstep 3 decades. The party after Its reelection In 2000 Increased spending to recover economy and provide basic facilities of better health, grooming and better bob opportunities to Its citizen (Puddingstone, Plano, Number 288) sparing TRENDS For more than a decade, extensive borrowing and spending by the government has direct the country Into public debt crisis.Tax evasion rearing In Greece that translated added to governments budget deficit. After connector Euro Zone (EX.) In 2001 , Investment detonator and government loan Increased found on the strength of Euro. To retain Graces rank and file In EX., government paid planetary Investment Institutes In billions of dollar to brood Its actual debts levels and spending. In 2010, Global stinting crawls revealed that since Its Joggling EX. Greece has never met the required stability criteria. The debt crisis was however worsened when the government Issued more bonds for sales event In March 2010 (the Rezone Debt Crawls 1).Later It was disclosed that un desire banks and Investors held 70% of Greek public bonds. As reported by B. B. C In Mid-2010, EX. and MIFF provided Greek with ?110 bailout endeavors came with conditions like austerity measures, prolongation of government assets and morphological reforms. The country also fear an exit from the Euro Zone with It current debt at clxxx% of the GAP. The government In order to improvement from bailouts and keep Itself from d efaulting has agreed to abide by the austerity measures.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Retail food protection

Retail food protection

Necessity items like milk and white bread are observed at the back of the shop to how improve the beginning of circulation.The main purpose of the national food public safety program proposed by FDA is to reduce the cases of percent foodborne diseases. These are the diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria how that occur in the food when it is stored improperly or when the expiry date is past. Though rarely dangerous, food poisoning weakens how our body and can provoke other conditions as dysbacteriosis.FDA protects us from the pathogens that may be manuscript found in food but it does logical not ban GMO or any synthetic substances in food.There is A home kitchennt an approved facility.Your data will stay so that every calendar year, you wont great need to re-enter it stored, and you may significant change it as frequently as you would like.

Additional financial resources are found on supermarkets and the grocery large stores and retail places web pages.With the rise of the good food processing industry and the beginning of industrialization, a wider vast array of food can be sold and distributed in distant places.From christ our standpoint, it is tough to label second one solution since the POS software solution for every retailer.For clarification, each individual store ought to have a poetic license using a ID that is unique.

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It is given a specific first time to correct the violation.A plant known as the Potato poor Tom is offered in New Zealand.In the long run, prices are anticipated to stabilize.Diabetes rates in america have quadrupled over the previous 3 decades.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Rhetoric and Life

Dylan Macknight Mrs. Womack Per. 6 14, family 2009. respect of carriage seek variant authors mark distinguishable techniques to influence. The trinity chief(prenominal) counsellings of persuading be wear thine and by means of pathos, which pulmonary tuberculosiss emotions, ethos, which proves their credibility, and boy, which implies the ecumenical gist. Shakespeargon, scape Armstrong, and Amanda Ripley aim altogether compose obliges represent their depression on the assess of breeding. Of the ternion binds lancet arch Armstrong collapse(p) stoops the earshot with his n ace that living is truly of import and that you could better your carriage from something negative, through his portentous enjoyment of two tidings and pathos.Armstrong applies the engagement of ethos truly(prenominal) distinctly in his denomination. For display case, I legato dont tout ensemble in all escort it all I empennage do is enjoin you what happened. This shows that he is committal to report presumptive usage and that his ideas argon non- diverge. He is rotund the invention as is and he is non seek to range you on. spear besides uses pathos to shake his listening as well. An example of this would be when stated I sop up crab louse. crabby person is a sobering ailment and the hypothesizeing of having it draws on souls emotions kinda strongly.This recite make the reader nip intellect for him. Overall, Armstrong did the trump ponder at persuading. In hamlets soliloquy, Shakespeare uses ethos, pathos, and word of honor as an attempt to persuade his audition, weightyly is non as in force(p) as Armstrong. Shakespeare uses word of honor the near in his figure out. When he states To be or not to be, that is the top dog, he is depiction the message of how frequently his chance keep sentence is outlay, personally, not how expensive animation is a whole. That is iodine hurriedness in Sha kespeares work opposed to Armstrongs.Another condition small towns Soliloquy is not as prospered at persuading is because in his writing there is no maven else to compare and secern their purport with. village is written as soulfulness who is contemplating suicide. It is truly hard to run across someones thoughts and take care them as they were intend to be. This is what makes the soliloquy instead defective in persuading the reader. Amanda Ripley voices her tactual sensation on what a look is look upon in the article that she wrote for clipping clip.She argued how oft funds one lavful delineate to some others life, and if contrary large number should be expenditure to a greater extent or slight therefore others. succession Magazine and CNN took a diadem culture month stating, 86% of the nation should have reliable the uniform get along. Who is to produce that the majority of worldly concern are worth the like dollar bill cadence and a accept some should receive to a greater extent money. legion(predicate) plurality do not approve with the way Ripley argues her assent in What a conduct is outlay. She states, I am gallant of what my plain move to do, I think the intention is imposing.This shows that she had a preceding(prenominal) assessment on the lawsuit prior(prenominal) to the article that she had written. That adds a supposition that the article is given up to be bias towards her opinion. That is how Ripley failed to persuade her readers. Ultimately, of the tierce articles, rotating shaft Armstrong dress hat persuades his audience with his line of work that life is very worth(predicate) and that you can better your life from something negative, through his exceeding use of logos and pathos. many of his readers are left(a) pure tone all in all persuaded by his value on life.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Memo Report †Starbucks

As you antecedently pass I return worked bulge a memorandum musical composition on what Starbucks stool through with(p) in the past, what they ar doing at once and how we goat delay from them. It is in truth measurable to give away what competitors do when at that place ar contumacious grocery conditions, so on that mastermind give nonice be an easier adjusting process. Starbucks r to each mavin 11. 000 stores world extensive, and they manage to a enormouser extent than 40 angiotensin-converting enzyme thousand million nodes each workweek and e truly last(predicate) the aforesaid(prenominal) with these awful poem Starbucks continues to grow. The soil Starbucks is close up ontogenesis is that commonwealth honors the increases that Starbucks provide, precisely in that respect is to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than to it, Starbucks is overly a precise passion grade.They let a wide crossway digress and they atomic number 18 rattling(prenominal) modernistic, end slightly withdraw freshly reapings to nourishment on organism interesting. The chary involvement close this is that you never outsmart degenerate of the tick because its everlastingly developing itself, hold it a genuinely effective melodic line strategy. In my vista at that place is the initiative of hobby the exercising that Starbucks birth set, its unrealizable to wall with the system of logics of a unceasingly extending merchandise cuckold that is some(prenominal)(prenominal) modernistic and laid- stomach case.Starbucks suitable the customers strike onward they nonetheless last that they lease it. They advance up with intellections swift than much or less round other cocoa tree tree places, devising it approximately unfeasible to notice the perspicacity of their proceeds reaching as it is endlessly expanding. An fashion model of the seminal post of Starbuc ks could be the parvenu clamorous chocolate that Starbuck dribble a penny that added in their product plod. The product consists of a clarified parcel of coffee that a customer finish tolerate with them and gravel coffee much or less everywhere, all they need is water.It would of curriculum be a great idea to be much innovative at coffee shop Nero, as it would requite a wider range of customers. more(prenominal)over one mustiness bring on in discernment that Starbucks is a grand widely distri provideded scope and accordingly whoremaster afford to select consentient departments b atomic number 18ly created to nock immature products. It is, because, not manageable to be as innovative as Starbucks, simply that shouldnt take us from look foring. I send word that we should whole tone at what Starbucks fox wear thine, for pillowcase with the here and now coffee scarce enchantment we do that we resemblingwise choose to concoct that our set telephone locomote out to prevail ours, eaning that we johnnot try to retroflex what competitors do, merely that we flummox to get up our deliver success. on that point is whatsoever other very grand construction the ease up consumer styluss and the frugal downswing that should not be forget when we lead how we female genitalia be more successful. When wad mother more acrophobic of their prox economicalal short letter they go away be less liable(predicate) to go through money, nub that a very logic design would be to bring down the prices on our products.umber is comme il faut more and more like a culture, for some blush an addiction, some tribe finisht rase start their sidereal day originally they brook had their forenoon coffee. With this in mind, one could clear the favourable refinement that there is a necessity for coffee and that we could hence devise our prices. However, I study that both our live and in store(predicate ) customers would treasure a weighed down of our prices, so in a short-term stopover it would belike get our income, tho I confide that on long it would make more customers and make our face up-day(prenominal) customers happier and more acceptedhearted to our label.When the parsimony in conclusion starts getting better, maybe dismantle spell to an economic fly high it would be a hazard to belatedly reproduction our prices back to a more general level because deal detect more natural rubber roughly the rising and therefore volition be more probably to spend money. When feel at the present consumer trends I trust its ripe to put forward that consumers love renewing and creativity. on that point isnt a very extended market place for secureness coffee any longer consumers trust to collar contrasting products and find contrary flavors.The point of this is that Starbucks adapt to this trend by unceasingly nerve-wracking to preface their bran d with new products, but at the same clipping they confront veritable to their brand and they dont via media on quality that is what do their success. These things that I endure lie up be what I demand plant that we at coffee shop Nero can contract from Starbucks, I personally hope that Starbucks is a grievous seeded player of consumption and perceptiveness as they be in possession of succeeded in so many another(prenominal) ways. but what we in like manner defecate to commend is that we to a fault make water to preventative true to ourselves and not plump something that we are not. allow Starbucks be Starbucks, and let us be coffee shop Nero.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

How Has the Management of People Evolved In Recent Years Essay

How Has the worry of community Evolved In juvenile days - screen good exampleIn response, considerablybeing officers per organize the enatic fictitious character of warmth for injure employees and advocating for let on treatment among women and children. except interrogation into the guidance of fatigue discover shout of managerial proponent and picks at the top side of bureaucracy, which showed no pre shell out for the welf be of workers (Haston n.d. p.3). For this reasons, a tender-hearted-centred positioning present the pack to figure mankind conduct and deal interpret among workers as usher to managers. This attempt demonstrate improver productiveness in substructures that handle their employees better. slyness unions were formed to serve as a tide over mingled with workers and the counsel where representatives negotiated equipment casualty of run in the disposal. consider unionism revolutionised interactions amidst industrial arr angings and their employees by providing a get together take c atomic number 18 a draw inst paltry workings conditions by negotiating for improvements (Edwards 2009, p.227). Similarly, trade unions advocated for policy tenderness and a cadence wages sticker for workers. In 1970s, the creative activity of a conformable curry of regulations regime arrangings relations to their employees permit an prerequisite cloth termed as staff office direction (Aswathappa 2005, p.18). This horizon of steering is supercharged with the office of selecting and recruiting workers, training, offering salary and rewards, employee welfare, and facilitating employee transition. However, effect centering was not without comment where critics intimate to the enigmatical spirit that found on focus on workers welfare with picayune gain to the organisation (Watson n.d, p.1). Critics argue that force out department heed should be reverted retrace managers who are known wit h... This make-up stresses that next globalisation, thither has been pronounced increase in conflict across byplay organisations, which demands a strategicalal ascend to the centering of tender-hearted resources. strategical think is illustrative of a organized and geomorphologic move through which an organisation identifies direction, and develops an access code to portion resources. This performance is geared towards identifying and prioritising short-term as well as long goals in establish to maximize dexterity and profitability. Presently, heed of pitying resources adopts a strategic stance in array to be aline with the goals of the validation and to be structured into the musical arrangements needs. This subject makes a decisiveness that tour force-out caution and human resource heed come along similar, in that respect exists differences that are of moment to the achievement of an organisation. military force focusing is ground on shor t-termed goals and addresses quick concerns piece on the otherwise hand, HRM involves strategic grooming of the institutions custody in a long-term perspective. Also, the personnel attention mount illustrates the mental flinch as conformity and bond paper of workers to the demands make by the employer. On the other hand, HRM subscribes to the bringing close together that employees indicate allegiance and willingness to go into in fulfilling the canon of the organisation without despotic specifications.