Friday, May 10, 2019

Evaluate the current Talent Management (TM) strategy at any well-known Essay

Evaluate the current Talent Management (TM) strategy at any well-known organization in Saudi Arabia - Essay ExampleThese efforts are increasingly be directed towards growth of the companies along with the growth of the individuals. Today the same emphasis is provided by organisations to each descriptor of an individual employee continuum with the employment of such strategies that identifies high performing employees and providing them with great opportunities for growth through flight planning. Moreover, greater importance has also been generated towards the overall culture of employees over long terms and towards their assistance for reaching their career goals and objectives. Organisations have shown their belief towards the bob upment of a fulfilling and happy employee (Mabry, 2001, p.55). This has been achieved through recruitment, on boarding, developing career paths, and development of succession planning. The aim is to develop a happy and satisfied employee who would e ventually be able to run into a high customer satisfaction and which would eventually result in adding to the organisations rat line. ... Talent management encompasses the complete employee life cycle, starting from recruitment, managing performance, competency development, redeployment, succession planning, training, leanings management, career development, and finally employee store and engagement (Davis, 2007, p.74). The present project aims to discuss and evaluate the talent management strategy undertaken in Saudi Aramco. It would emphasise on the various ways in which the company has been trying to attract and retain and develop the talents. It also presents an assessment of the effectiveness of the strategy in the present organisational context. The talent management strategy is confirming for the organisation only after making a thorough study of organisation. It presents such strategies for implementation establish on the identified talent gaps. The initiatives would be directed towards retaining the high performers in the core and strategic roles. The nearly promising challenge confronting the human resource professionals in the organisation would be implementing the strategy successfully. Saudi Aramco- slightly the Company Saudi Aramco is a state owned oil company in Saudi Arabia which is a completely integrated and global petroleum organisation. The company has evolved as a leader in the production, exploration, shipping, refining, distribution and marketing of petroleum in the world. The company manages militia of crude oil amounting to 260.1 barrel. The fourth largest gas reserves in the globe, is also managed by the company, which amounts for a volume of 275.2 trillion cubic feet (Saudi Aramco, 2011, p.2). The company is committed to recall the most reliable supply of petroleum and petroleum

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