Monday, May 20, 2019

Public Policy and Section Assessment

Chapter 9 subdivision 1 p. 240 Section Assessment 1-4 1. What is a reality insurance? A public form _or_ system of government is a goal a government creates and accomplishes them. 2. List and describe the three main ideas in which semipolitical parties and involvement groups differ. Political parties focus on nominations, on their goals and on their c bes. Interest groups may favor a displacedidate, hardly the political party is in charge of the nominations. The political party is more concerned ab unwrap the soulfulness who will be in charge of the government rather than the policies the government will create. . (a) How do interest groups stimulate interest in public affairs? They promote policies they favor and oppose those they fear as threats to their concerns. (b) Name at least three additional functions of interest groups. They unite with other people roughly the country to promote their concern. They provide detailed information to the government to address their con cerns. They act as check-and-balances for the political process. 4. On what bases are interest groups often criticized? Some interest schools do non represent every last(predicate) the views they claim to speak.They can also use tactics to undermine the political system. They may also not represent all the people they claim to represent. Chapter 9 Section 2 p. 247 Section Assessment 2-4 2. (a) What are the four major(ip) types of economically based interest groups? Business, Labor, Agricultural, and Professional (b) List an example of a major type. A major type of organization is the American Medical Association, which focuses on the concerns of doctors. (c) How does a trade fellowship differ from a labor union?A trade association is an interest group for business, patch labor unions are interest group for workers that work in the same industry. Chapter 9 Section 3 p. 254 Section Assessment 1-4, & p. 257 1. For what three reasons do interest groups reach out to the public? They reach out to the public to share information that is necessary for the people to know. Also, they reach out to the public to impose a positive image on their interest group. Finally, they do so to encourage a public policy to be passed. 2. (a) Why do interest groups use propaganda?They use propaganda to exercise the behavior and belief of people. (b) pick up at least three major propaganda techniques. They use bandwagon, which is when people are encouraged to take an movement because everyone else is doing so. The plain-folks approach is where people must follow an action because it pretends to be one of the common people. Finally, the name-calling is where the opposing policy by calling negative nicknames to them to allure the views of people towards them. 3. (a) Why do interest groups try to influence political parties?Interest groups influence political parties in order to gain support for the passing of their public policies when the candidate of a political party holds offi ce in the government. (b) What is a single-interest group? This group focuses on one particular issue and creates public policies concerning it. 4. How is lobbying used to influence public policy? Lobbying is used to influence public policy by pressuring legislators to bear aspects of the public policy-making process. Analyzing Political Cartoons 28 & 29 28. (a) What does the construction in the cartoon represent?The building represent the government and the public policies made for the people. (b) What is the source of the haggle on the building? All the citizens of the United States have the right to represent themselves in the government. 29. What is the cartoon aspect about the influence of special-interest groups on the political process? Interest groups have a great sham on the governments public policies. Only those who are great in numbers can cause an influence in the government. Individuals must form into interest-groups in order to have a vox in the government.

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