Saturday, May 4, 2019

Admission essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

accession - Essay ExampleMy desires and success in special facts of life did non just stop with my university education. straightway after graduation, I accepted an opportunity for tutorial classes at Taibah University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, division of Curriculum and Instruction as a tutorial fellow for one year. Since 1996, I have pile up a remarkable wealth of knowledge in working with students with disabilities thus impacting positively on already learnt skills while at the same time giving me an opportunity to learn new ways of correspondence the complexities that surround educational attainment of learners with special needs. The desire to improve the welfare of learners with special needs has as well as earned me both personal and professional development enabling me to articulate the theoretical aspects of special education into the reality and an extension enabling me to redesign neoclassical educational achievement of special education that seemed non brea thing within the classical arena.Over time, my remarkable performance has been accompanied by outstanding progress and service wich attracted distinguished promotions leading up being the Director of Hope Institute in Jeddah and CV.Within the terminus of direct contact with an array of ideas, perspectives and philophies of work, I have built a wealth of knowledge in special education leading up to accepting to join the showtime group of scholars to pursue the first stage Masters Degree at King Saud University with a full eye focus on Special Education, achieving excellent results.Based on this unique and rich experience, I ask myself, why not advance to a Doctorate level which will not only give me an opportunity to elaboration my hard earned skills but also empower me to contribute to the evolving world of Special Education learning through publications, seminars and taking up a lead in the dissemination of knowledge at the University to wedge a generation conscious of the nee ds of

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