Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The First World War (WWI) :: World War 1 I One

Chapter 1 The Right to Make WarSince 1795, when Immanuel Kant published in his old age his treatise on "Perpetual Peace," many have considered it an established detail that war is the destruction of all in all good and the origin of all evil. In spite of all that history teaches, no conviction is felt that the struggle between nations is inevitable, and the growth of civilization is credited with a power to which war essential yield. But, undisturbed by such human theories and the change of times, war has again and again marched from country to country with the clash of arms, and has proved its destructive as wholesome as creative and purifying power. It has not succeeded in teaching mankind what its real nature is. Long periods of war, far from convincing men of the necessity of war, have, on the contrary, always revived the wish to exclude war, where possible, from the political intercourse of nations.This wish and this hope are widely disseminated even today. The main tenance of peace is lauded as the exactly goal at which statesmanship should aim. This unqualified desire for peace has obtained in our days a quite peculiar power over mens spirits. This dreaming finds its public expression in peace leagues and peace congresses the Press of every country and of every party opens its columns to it. The current in this direction is, indeed, so sanitary that the majority of Governments profess--outwardly, at any rate--that the necessity of maintaining peace is the real aim of their policy while when a war breaks out the aggressor is universally stigmatized, and all Governments exert themselves, partly in reality, partly in pretense, to extinguish the conflagration.Pacific ideals, to be sure, are seldom the real motive of their follow out. They usually employ the need of peace as a cloak under which to promote their own political aims. This was the real position of affairs at the Hague Congresses,1 and this is also the meaning of the action of the United States of America, who in recent times have earnestly tried to conclude treaties for the establishment of arbitrement Courts, first and foremost with England, but also with Japan, France, and Germany. No practical results, it must be said, have so far been achieved.We can hardly assume that a real love of peace prompts these efforts. This is shown by the fact that precisely those Powers which, as the weaker, are exposed to aggression, and therefore were in the greatest need of international protection, have been completely passed over in the American proposals for Arbitration Courts.

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