Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ethical and Professional HRM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ethical and Professional HRM - Assignment ExampleSince that time, the organization has faced a procedure of lawsuits relating to provision of suitable seats which has proven costly due to budgets allocated for litigation matters. This situation means at that place is need for the organization to develop a framework that would help end complaints by employees based on the issue of suitable seats. I will assume that the employees have made a genuine take over about the working condition being detrimental to their wellness although there have not been medical exam any medical case concerning employees of Wal-Mart whose condition has been attributed to the working conditions provided by the organization. Consequently, I will argue that the Wal-Mart should go into suitable seats to the employees to prevent further complaint that might arise in future. To achieve this, the discipline is organized into three sections where the first section makes an analysis of the conflict of interes t among Wal-Mart and the employees. Second break dance will analyse available options to determine what would be the best option to satisfy both the employees and the company. The third base part is about which one among the presented options is the best ethical and professional option before making a brief conclusion.A number of organizations have in the past years faced legal suits because of the demeanor in which they have treated their employees. Class action on seating during working hours is among the areas of conflict between employers and their employees. There has been considerable law suits where employees have complained that they were not provided with seats in their workstations a situation which compromised their health due to being on their feet for long periods of time. A case in example concerns the employees at the giant star retailer, Wal-Mart who have gone to court to protest the retailers requirements that workers should perform their duties

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