Friday, May 17, 2019

Basic Needs Shank’s Old Boss Failed to Meet Essay

concord to Maslows hierarchy, which staple fibre needs did Shanks old boss fail to meet? apologise why the needs have not been met. What could be done to meet these missing needs? The basic needs which Shanks old boss failed to meet ar as follows The need for self-actualization the desire to become to a greater extent and more what one is and to become everything that one is cap able of becoming. battalion who have everything female genital organ maximize their potential. They can markk knowledge, peace, esthetic experiences, self-fulfillment, oneness with God, and so on Emily Griffin from escape valve 001 stated the ollowing So its not that its better than nothing, but they do still recognize the contribution, even if Im not quite getting it right. This negative statement tells me that the self-actualization is a missing component within this company. She is completing a project Just to get it accepted and not maximizing her potential and her highest level of functioning. Emily should be able to move through the needs to the highest level provided they are given an education that promotes growth.Use the Expectancy scheme and/or the Equity possibleness of motivation to explain how noticeing nderpaid might affect the work of a Flight 001 associate and what a manager can do to increase the employees motivation. A Flight 001 associate that feels underpaid may form perceptions of what constitutes a fair balance (a balance or trade) of inputs and outputs by canvass our own situation with other referents (reference points or examples) in the market place as we see it.In practice this helps to explain why people are so strongly affected by the situations (and views and gossip) of colleagues, friends, partners etc. in establishing their own individualal sense of fairness or equity in their work situations. People need to feel that there is a fair balance between inputs and outputs. Crucially fairness is careful by comparing ones own balance or ratio be tween inputs and outputs, with the ratio enjoyed or endured by relevant (referent) others. If there is not a fair balance employees feel demotivated.Generally the extent of demotivation is proportional to the perceived disparity with other people or inequity, but for slightly people Just the smallest indication of negative isparity between their situation and other peoples is large to cause massive disappointment and a feeling of considerable injustice, resulting in demotivation, or worse, open hostility. some(prenominal) people reduce effort and application and become inwardly disgruntled, or outwardly difficult, recalcitrant or even disruptive. Other people seek to improve the outputs by making claims or demands for more reward, or seeking an alternative Job.A Manager can increase employee motivation with financial rewards pay, salary, expenses, perks, benefits, pension arrangements, shipment and commission plus intangibles recognition, reputation, praise and thanks, intere st, responsibility, stimulus, travel, training, development, sense of achievement and advancement, promotion, etc. Managers need to understand the Equity Theory and especially its pivotal comparative aspect to be able to appreciate and improve one persons terms and conditions to resolve that individuals demands.Equity Theory reminds us that people see themselves and crucially the way they are treated so they must be managed and treated accordingly. Based on Herzberg does Two Factor Theory, what hygiene factors can you identify that are universe met within Flight 001 s work environment based on comments made by employees in the video? How are they being met? Is Flight 001 s work environment meeting any motivation factors? If so, which ones and how?The hygiene factor that are being met within Flight 001 s work environment are as follows Working conditions, partnership Policies and Interpersonal relations. Flight 001 has great working conditions for their employees and they pay att ention to detail as far as letting their employees know that they are ot Just a number but as important as the any other employee where they are at a higher level of management and this also creates social relations between all employees and making them feel as adequate as the next.Due to the overbold baggage policy and charges customers want to bring more carryon luggage on the plane. The employees were informed and trained on how to react to this new policy in a positive manor to satisfy the customer. References http//stewardess. inhatc. ac. kr/philoint/general-data/maslows-hierarchy-of- needs-I . htm http//www. businessballs. com/adamsequitytheory. htm

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